(ps. 這位街頭藝人的領帶和西裝外套看似被風吹起來的,案其實都是用鋼線固定;他實際上的表演就是跨好馬步,假裝在風中大步奔走)
2010年11月13日 星期六
(ps. 這位街頭藝人的領帶和西裝外套看似被風吹起來的,案其實都是用鋼線固定;他實際上的表演就是跨好馬步,假裝在風中大步奔走)
2010年11月6日 星期六
31 Songs
每個歌手 / 樂隊基本上只選一曲。原本只想選出剛好三十首,但到後來,發現這三十一首歌,沒有一首能夠刪去,於是就這樣留下來了,剛好跟Nick Hornby的書名一樣,沒有刻意抄襲的意味,但若有這樣的巧合,也是有緣了。(尼克大叔我會因此多去買幾本你的書的)
1. American Pie – Don McLean, American Pie (1971)
“I knew if I had my chance, I could make those people dance, and maybe they’ll be happy for a while.”
“I can’t remember when I cried when I heard about his widowed bride. But something touches me deep inside the day the music died.”
“Do you believe in rock’n’roll? Can music save your mortal soul? Can you teach me how to dance real slow? ”
這首歌曲裡有太多的字句,都讓我感動、低迴不已。若說讀出師表不流淚者為不忠,那麼也可以說聽American Pie不感動者不是搖滾樂迷了。
2. Thunder Road – Bruce Springsteen, Born to Run (1975)
3. Thrasher – Neil Young, Rust Never Sleeps (1979)
“It was then that I knew I had enough. Burn my credit card for fuel. Headed down to where the pavement turns to sand. With a one-way ticket to the land of truth and the suitcase in my hand, how I lost my friends, I still don’t understand.”
4. 風神125 – 交工樂隊,菊花夜行軍 (2001)
波瀾壯闊的作品。風聲、泥巴香味與濃烈的情感參雜。 每次聽到此曲都讓我懷念起台灣。
5. 斷腸詩 – 伍佰,樹枝孤鳥 (1997)
6. Home – Sheryl Crow, Sheryl Crow (1996)
Sheryl Crow的同名專輯大概是我聽了最久的唱片之一,每隔一陣子還要拿出來重聽一遍。在這張專輯的十三曲中,這首Home不是最初吸引我的曲子,卻慢慢地成為我最常反覆哼唱的一首歌。“I woke up this morning to a sound of a breaking heart. Mine is full of questions and it’s tearing yours apart.”
7. Live Forever – Oasis, Definitely Maybe (1994)
如果說人生到最後只剩下一個樂隊、一張專輯、一首歌,那會是Oasis、Definitely Maybe、以及Live Forever。不為什麼,只因為他們是我最初的愛、最炙熱的癲狂,那烙印在我的心上,永遠永遠。
8. Life on Mars – David Bowie, Hunky Dory (1971)
David Bowie最棒的一首曲子,充滿了天馬行空的馳騁,童趣的想像,又帶一抹淡淡的哀傷。在Hunky Dory中,David Bowie在音樂上以不同之後濃妝豔抹的素顏淡雅地詮釋了十一首曲子,成就了他最棒的作品。
9. Nirvana – The Man who Sold the World, Unplugged (1994)
Nirvana在最後的現場翻唱了David Bowie的這首曲子,但我一直把他視為Nirvana的曲子,因為那是如此的貼切,在這現場後的幾個月,Kurt Cobain將散彈槍含入嘴裡,扣下板機,出賣了全世界。
10. The Wild Ones - Suede, Dogman Star (1994)
“We’re the wild ones running with dogs today.”希望有一天我也如此灑脫。自選的喪禮歌曲之一。
11. Disco 2000 – Pulp, Different Class (1995)
比起平民界的國歌Common People,我更愛這首Disco 2000。Jarvis Cocker以其一貫苦樂相伴、酸甜雜呈的白描手法,寫出了這首直擊我心裡的曲子。
12. Good Vibrations – Beach Boys, Smile (1967)
Brian Wilson的口袋交響曲,如此完美如此悅耳,史上最棒的作品之一。 有時候我懷疑若當時Brian Wilson沒有精神崩潰的話,能否寫出那麼了不起的作品?
13. Shower Your Love – Kula Shaker, Peasants, Pigs and Astronauts (1999)
即便Kula Shaker不如其他Brit-pop樂隊那樣鼎鼎大名、占據音樂史上重要地位,但他們的這曲Shower Your Love依然是我最心愛的曲子之一。腦中反覆播放率相當高。
14. Every Breath You Take – The Police, Synchronicity (1983)
或許你們會覺得奇怪,坦白說至今我也不了解,為何當時小學會教這首歌,但這確實是我到倫敦的小學學的第一首英文歌,第二首呢,嗯,Careless Whispers。(誰說只有台灣的教育出了問題?)
15. Linger – The Cranberries, Everybody Else is Doing It, So Why Can’t We? (1993)
16. Satellite of Love – Lou Reed, Transformer (1972)
無論是在VU時期或是Lou Reed單飛以後的版本,都是我心愛的作品。VU版本最前面還有兩句“In this world as we know it, sorrow comes and goes. Now we see the human race has puts its footprints on the moons face.”很長一段時期這成了我最喜歡哼唱的兩句歌詞。
還記得我第一份工作時期,看著那棟大樓點起燈,在繁華的夜景裡有著一種莫名的溫柔,當時腦子裡盤旋的就是這曲Satellite of Love。
17. (Song for My) Sugar Spun Sister – The Stone Roses, The Stones Roses (1989)
這首曲子可能很容易被石玫瑰迷所遺忘,因為這張專輯裡時在有太多曲子可以供後世傳唱爭頌,但我就是很愛2:58到3:07那一小段樂器小小的Jam,加上Ian Brown切進來的vocal,對我來說那就是八零年代的最最美好,也預示了九零年代brit-pop的誕生。
18. Head Over Feat – Alanis Morissette, Jagged Little Pills (1995)
Alanis Morissette可以算是我第一個搖滾繆司,當時我視她為全世界最酷的女生了。那些憤怒、喧囂,是我對搖滾樂最初的瞭解與悸動。這首Head Over Feet委委唱出愛戀的情緒,那間奏也讓我愛上口琴這個樂器。
19. Strawberry Fields Forever – The Beatles, Magical Mystery Tour (1967)
20. A Case of You – Joni Mitchell, Blue (1971)
Joni Mitchell是我的女神,她的Blue陪我度過無數個夜晚。A Case of You更是令我醉心的一曲。有誰能不愛這個女子呢?我常這樣自問。
21. Desolation Row – Bob Dylan, Highway 61 Revisited (1965)
很長一段時間,我被一個問題所困擾:究竟我最愛的Bob Dylan歌曲是哪一首?Desolation Row與Tangled Up in Blues兩曲在不同的時期互有高下。如果要為自己過往的三十年下一個註腳,我還是選了Desolation Row。畢竟他陪我度過了太多的時刻。
22. Range Life – Pavement, Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain (1994)
從第一次聽到這曲我就愛上了它。一點點失焦、一點點戲謔、一點點憤世嫉俗。更主要是因為那悅耳的曲調,以及“I want a ranged life if I can settle down.”的呼喊。
23. Something Better – Marianne Faithfull, The Rolling Stones Rock'n'Roll Circus (1968)
一直覺得這曲充滿了詭異的瑰麗情調,歌詞更是神祕:“Say hey have you heard blue whiskey’s the rage? I’ll send you a jug in the morning. It’s absurd to be living in a cage. You know there’s got to be something better.”
還記得Marianne Faithfull穿著常襬蓬裙,側身坐在滾石的搖滾馬戲團裡,靜靜地唱著此曲,與曲子中的荒誕與不解相同。07年初我經常反覆播放此曲,期盼找到something better。
24. Gypsy – Suzanne Vega, Solitue Standing (1987)
Suzanne Vega十七歲時寫下的歌曲,對一個男孩的依戀,這首歌成了我最愛的Suzanne Vega曲子,也成為了我對她的依戀。帶著浪漫稚氣的曲子,卻又如此恰到好處,如此單純而美好。
25. No Surprises – Radiohead, OK Computer (1997)
26. 並不 – 張懸,親愛的…我還不知道 (2007)
27. Sea of Love – Cat Power, The Cover Record (2000)
28. (What’s So Funny About) Peace, Love and Understanding? – Elvis Costello, Armed Forces (1979)
29. Stephanie Says – The Velvet Underground, 1969
30. Shine a Light – The Rolling Stones, Exile on Main Street (1972)
或許騷動與躁亂是滾石的特徵,但這首Shine A Light脫離了此一範疇,用近似唱聖歌的方式,如夕陽般溫暖。03年個人的年度歌曲。
31. Hallelujah – John Cale, Fragments of a Rainy Season (1992)
Leonard Cohen的名曲,卻由John Cale翻唱後更廣為人知。我最偏愛John Cale在這張現場中翻唱的版本,雖說只有鋼琴伴奏,卻絲毫不減其憂鬱雄渾,其中還帶點無可奈何的戲謔犬儒。
2010年5月23日 星期日
很長一段時間我的生活裡沒有演唱會或任何型式的現場演出。即便大學時身處於台灣地下 / 主流樂隊風起雲湧的時代,我也鮮少去聽表演,主要是當時一頭栽入老搖滾的世界裡,對本土的樂隊不熟悉,另更有貴古賤今的大小眼,總覺得沒有二十年以上歷史的音樂不吸引人,每每感嘆自己生不逢時,沒趕上波瀾壯闊的六、七0年代,卻忽略了自己所處環境與場域中,觸手可及的好音樂。
重返倫敦,被碩士班沈重的課業壓的喘不過氣來,除了偶爾為了疏壓採買唱片,著實沒有餘裕也沒有行動力去參與夢寐以求的各式演唱會。直到下學期,某次在超市翻閱Q雜誌的時候,發現Beth Orton在Royal Albert Hall有一場演出,才興致勃勃地買了票,參加第一場在倫敦的演出。當台上的Beth Orton敲打著鈴鼓,台下的我湧出了某些體悟,回去後寫下了這樣的文字:「這個抱著吉他彈唱、搖鈴鼓、俏皮地罵髒話的女人對我有一種無法言喻的吸引力。或許這正是我的困境吧:對於那些有個性、有想法、有才氣的女孩子我總是相當欣賞、甚至著迷,但問題是這樣的女孩子都不會喜歡像我這樣的男生。唉,無可奈何呀。」
在倫敦的日子我把握機會完成了一些年少的夢想:跟著Paul McCartney與全場上萬的歌迷大聲反覆高聲唱著“Na, na, na, nanana, na, nanana, na, Hey Jude!!!”;與一群牛山濯濯的歐吉桑跟著台上Keith Richards的Brown Sugar吉他和弦,與Mick Jagger一同先舉起左手「Yeah」、右手「Yeah」、再左手「Yeah」,最後雙手高舉並且躍起地大喊「Woooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!」;看著老楊低下頭,露出光禿禿的一片後腦杓,獨自彈著吉他,吟唱著那些曾經給他帶來巨大、耀眼光環,而他又想要將之拋棄的曲子,那當下我隱隱約約覺得這個光景會深刻地影響我的人生,六七年過去了,那樣的概念依然以某種模模糊糊地團塊的形式存在我心底。
回到台灣後偶爾看表演,開始工作前的那個冬天,在女巫店聽了雷光夏的演出,在子夜的街頭和柯老姐與其友人反覆唱著〈逝〉的最後兩句歌詞:「你我就像散開在風中飛揚的棉絮 / 注定要生生世世流浪在天際」,彷彿在緬懷那不曾擁有過的無垢青春;開始工作後的那個夏天,同樣在女巫店看彼時尚未成名的張懸表演,留著短髮怯生生的她一首一首唱著,當〈並不〉的前奏響起時,我撥出了電話,然而,沒有回音,我錄下了一段在她的語音留言裡,但從來沒問過她是否聽到了。
04年初The Wall的表演成了我的最後一場珊妮的演唱會,「開演前我就對柯老姐說,我會跟珊妮跟到唱〈四季〉,然後就不會再去看她的表演了。這個念頭在上次河岸流言的表演時便已存在,在人權演唱會時成形。或許是因為對她的新歌越來越不熟,引起的共鳴越來越小,又或許是表演方式吧,但那都不是主要的原因,我想,那是一種儀式性的終結,對於屬於自己的曾經,就像我決定放棄旅行一樣。」當天隨著珊妮唱和完〈四季〉後,除了在音樂祭偶然經過珊妮的舞台以外,我再也沒看過她的演出。
08年在原本安排的規劃落空後,我展開了一段旅行,先到了瑞士找羅拉塔與鐵人,然後再次重返倫敦。在倫敦的幾個晚上,我前往了幾場演唱會,先到劍橋在近到幾乎被Jason Pierce的口水噴到的距離裡,聽了Spiritualized的現場;接著到了Richard Hawley首次於Royal Albert Hall的場子,Jarvis Cocker大叔還意外地現身與其合唱了一首關於新年的曲子;隔天去了Roger Waters在O2的演唱會,當他開口唱到“Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun…”我和全場一起幾乎失控地接著大唱著“…Shine on your crazy diamond!”
最後我參加了Paul Weller在Hammersmith Apollo的演唱會,那天剛好也是Paul Weller五十歲的生日,當全場幫他合唱生日快樂時,我便隱隱約約知道有什麼即將發生,果然下個瞬間,Noel出現了。他們合唱了The Beatles的All You Need Is Love:
曾經All You Need Is Love是我最討厭的披頭歌曲,但從那以後我開始學著去欣賞這首歌。
**** **** **** ****
當天晚上我接待了一團來訪的學者,晚上跟著應酬,我心裡想著那一堆 還沒處理完的事情,邊聽著宴席的雙方一來一往似乎永遠不會完結而且全都在網路上看過的過期黃色笑話。應酬結束後我回辦公室,看了看時鐘:將近十點。我吐了 一口氣,靠著絕佳的躲酒技術,很好,沒有什麼酒味,然後開始埋首工作。夜深人靜的辦公室沒有電話打擾,更有效率,到凌晨一點,工作終於告一段落,休假期間 的交接也安排好了。我回到住處開始整理行李,清理房間,一切落定,時針與分針建構出了一個完美的九十度角,三點了。
我開著電視,躺在床 上,等待時間到來。這樣的姿態讓我想到五年多以前在巴黎的最後一個晚上,那個夜晚是全市的慶典,整個晚上都有活動,我的學姐先帶著我去羅浮宮聽了一場詩歌 吟誦會,然後我們沿著古老的街道漫步穿梭,回到飯店也是將近三點,四點鐘要起床,趕上往阿姆斯特丹的火車。我和衣躺下,旅館外面仍然充滿了喧囂,人們徹夜 談話、狂歡,透過薄薄的紗簾可以看到遠處的煙火,有著中世紀嘉年華的復古味道……
我從假寐中驚醒,五年多後,一樣是四點,沒有煙火,沒有 人群,窗外只有仍凜冽的空氣與夜間的守衛。巴黎?天津?阿姆斯特丹?台北?我陷入微微的錯亂,身處何地?要往哪去?我用熱水沖醒自己,換上衣服,跳上車。 在機場又確認了一次:我的目標是Oasis。從機窗外面見到的雲彩,讓我想起Whatever的封面,我將隨身聽切到這曲,懷著如同當年在忠孝復興的T- wave買到這張單曲的興奮的心情,期待著。
我換上了唯一的一件淺藍色Oasis T恤,在捷運站與HL及柯老姐會合,也巧遇了ZP,於是便一同前往表演的場館,場館外已經排了長長的人龍。有人持著大大的米字旗,有化著煙燻妝身著皮衣的 搖滾客,也有帶著害羞神情低著頭的文藝青年。
進場時1976暖場也告結束。現場大聲地放起了The Beatles和Led Zeppelin等古老卻又熟悉的曲子,我們隨意跟著音樂哼唱。然後,燈光暗了下來,全場響起歡呼,燈光亮起,Fucking in the Bushes的節奏響起,眾人的跳動使地板上下震盪。光影閃爍間,那五個人的身影出現。
買入 Definitely Maybe的夏日午後火紅色的Les Paul吉他老師自彈自唱關於淡水鐵蛋的認真表情Jimi Hendrix Janis Joplin Jim Morrison 27歲的死亡CDAm和弦與割破的手指拿鐵罐攻擊歌迷的Kurt Cobain塑膠恐龍紙牌遊戲與Slide Away引Live Forever歌詞寫給P的信復活節島上的石像面孔與美國南方小鎮的鐵橋別回到小岩城再浪費一年呀I DON’T BELIEVE YOU YOU’RE A LIAR椰林大道下午第一堂課Penny Lane上All around the world it’s gonna be ok系學會外的Girl Who Wears the Dirty Shirt MTV台兩兄弟的廣告洋蔥的爭吵與無法彌補的破裂宇宙城公館玫瑰大眾誠品古柯鹼大麻嘔吐Magic Bus改彈Bass期末考迎新的午後小雪茄Sister of Mercy20歲昏睡的午後This is My Truth Now Tell Me Yours尼采S加油站我最喜歡的旅行階段就是在車上看風景一幕幕過去Gypsy大法師銀色Sony新竹家的沙發Fade Away開始前深深吸的一口氣聖誕節前夕紫色與黃色視聽教室的耳機Beatles Anthology黑白1968年的Paul McCartney教父I II密集書庫Hey stay young and invincible高雄妹史研所肥皂味保力龍白色胸罩Country House這是我女朋友西雅圖夜未眠1999年尼克隊Because we need each other we believe in one and another 606傅鐘尼斯香檳新星五四三寺廟All Things Must Pass一年期的長榮來回機票Sugar Spun Sister 8/27維尼小熊Everybody’s had a wet dream everybody saw the sunshine凱芮從妳的洞穴裡出來吧多吃蔬菜注意保暖1984中研院下一個是誰Rosebury暗藍的傍晚哭泣雙層巴士檔案庫香腸捲There’s a starman waiting in the sky踩著冰塊上吊Great Dover Street炸魚薯條Berwick Street滑蛋叉燒飯24小小福Sainsbury記事本的留言塗鴉鬍子SELECTADISCFOPP青蘋果味廉價洗髮水May the good lord shine a light on you紅樓夢珍寧我腦子有些連我自己都不願面對的東西御飯團djangos紅色101豹紋內褲無印良品歲花領帶金莎並不等三個月吧Oh you pretty things廉價床墊中秋節計程車antenna丁香菸上海Satellite of Love黑輪舞台AESAE在清晨的炙氣中the sweetest thing舞台印尼炒飯星巴克包子新光三越雞腿飯麻辣鍋陽台並不Hello Kitty白色奧迪What’s so funny about peace, love & understanding?刮過擋風玻璃的雨刷最最美好告別Simple Twist of Fate新宿淺草六本木御茶水自由之丘地下室24小時I heard there was a secret chord王建民6.1局完全比賽韓式泡菜those were days of roses poetries and prose寫寫寫寫寫改改改改改GRETOEFL讀書計畫論文大綱改造I went insane like a smoke-ring day when the wind blows屏東高雄瑞士倫敦先生女士我們正漂浮於太空中獵頭選擇I thought a small part of you would be a little bit sad to see me go天津自己的房間It’s hard to be living in cage咒罵期待我願意落空北京百子灣路Yellow Ledbetter路邊有斷頭的蜻蜓到後座吧天堂在路的那一頭等著我們切片蕃茄Tina Fey你願意娶我嗎you’re back in your neighborhood cigarette taste so good你怎麼說呢你又無法將本來屬於我的夢給予我
Fuckin' In The Bushes
Rock'n' Roll Star
The Shock Of The Lightning
Cigarettes & Alcohol
The Meaning Of Soul
To Be Where There's Life
Waiting For The Rapture
The Masterplan
Slide Away
Morning Glory
Ain't Got Nothin'
The Importance Of Being Idle
I'm Outta Time
Don't Look Back In Anger
Falling Down
Champagne Supernova
I Am The Walrus
2010年3月6日 星期六
My Songs Of 2009
1. Wilco - Misunderstood
如果09年要挑出一張最愛的唱片,我毫不猶豫會選Wilco / Kicking Television這套現場雙CD。我一向喜歡現場的錄音,而這套他們回到家鄉的演出實況更是已經列為我心目中的經典作品,無論音樂或是我個人私密情感上皆然。
2. The Pretenders – Stop Your Sobbing
“Reign Over Me”這部片子裡,Adam Sandler以滑版車載著Don Cheadle在大街上遊逛時,這段音樂流洩了出來。除了他們的友情,更吸引我的是他們重新擁抱純真的勇氣,一如The Pretenders這一曲,從第一句的旋律就令人跌入懷念的氛圍中。
3. 張懸 – 模樣
4. Oasis – Don’t Look Back In Anger
Noel Gallagher的現場吉他的版本,是我過去所不敢想像的完美詮釋。對我來說,這是過去十年最美好的註腳。
5. Michael Jackson – Rock With You
6. Pete Townshend – Let My Love Open The Door
7. The Smiths – There’s A Light That Never Goes Out
8. James – Getting Away With It (All Messed Up)
究竟是我的錯誤記憶,還是真的那支MV被回收了?我一直記得Getting Away With It (All Messed Up)有一支MV,是飛機飛過高樓,然後大家搖著頭唱著Getting away with it all messed up, that’s the living,然後MV的結尾大家輪流說著 “pleased to meet you”。總之,這首歌與這張專輯也是找了七八年,終於尋獲。09年的重大發現之一。
9. The Flaming Lips – Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robot
The Flaming Lips剛以良美大戰粉紅機器人大紅特紅時,我買了一張他們的Transmissions From The Satellite Heart以及The Soft Bulletin來聽,當時只覺得普普,便沒把他們放在心上。想不到數年後重聽此專輯,還真有相逢恨晚的惆悵。真是近幾年來令人激賞的作品。
10. 張楚 - 孤獨的人是可恥的
11. Elvis Presley – Pocketful of Rainbows
12. 伍佰 – 斷腸詩
13. Sondre Lerche – Modern nature
Dan In Real Life片尾曲,這部片不是說挺好,但有點像我當時對於Elizabethtown的中毒症狀,只要HBO一放我就會乖乖坐下來重看一次,上次還看到差點趕不上回台灣的飛機。
14. Pearl Jam – Yellow Ledbetter
前幾年瘋狂購入珍珠果醬的現場專輯,此曲也收了不少版本,通常都是在演唱會末尾時出現此曲,每當吉他前奏一響起,全場便陷入瘋狂。縱然無法理解Eddie Vedder究竟在唱什麼,但這還是我最愛的珍珠果醬曲子。
15. Auld Lang Syne
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And days o' auld lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne;
We'll tak' a cup o' kindness yet
For days of auld lang syne.
And here's a hand, my trusty friend
And gie'd a hand o' thine
And we'll tak' a cup o' kindness yet
For auld lang syne
For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne;
We'll tak' a cup o' kindness yet
For days of auld lang syne.
2010年2月5日 星期五
**** **** **** ****
我也認識和st戀愛中的br。在倫敦時某個準備考試的夜晚,我踅到了他的版,發現了彼此有某些類似之處。br在大西洋的另一端,喜歡老搖滾、小說、Austin Powers、自己下廚、練習單手打蛋、騎著單車到附近的亞洲商店買沙士;為了看Bob Dylan的演唱會,他坐了數個小時的火車,跨越一個又一個燥熱且有濃重口音的南方城市,窩在廉價骯髒的旅館;br總有逃亡的念頭,看到戶頭裡匯進來的公費時,捲款浪跡天涯的想法就會冒出來;就像任何一個搖滾樂手以及愛好者,他也有毀棄自己人生的衝動,只是當時我以為那僅是一個青澀而浪漫的構想而已。
我寫了封長信給他介紹自己,從此透過網路開始分享彼此的生活。某次br提到手上有The Beatles / White Album的studio session,我推文表示相當羨慕,「不用只是羨慕,我可是有空白光碟片和燒錄機的喔,」不久後我就收到一個裝有八片光碟片的包裹,在純白的燒錄片上,他像是怕留下痕跡,又像是仿擬White Album的浮水印似地,淡淡地用鉛筆註明了各個take與次序。我將CD放入player中,不同於專輯中的歌曲詮釋,四人彈奏、交談的斷片,以及錄音室瀰漫的緊張、迷濛的氣氛夾著老舊的「斯斯」聲響從喇叭中流洩出來。那幾片光碟,連同特價啤酒、炸魚薯條、和煦的夏日傍晚與David Bowie,陪伴我度過寫論文的那段日子。
藍色啤酒海 我想要一個小孩
有時候乖 有時候壞
寂寞時候 希望和棕櫚戀愛
「我決定去找他。」st說,純潔而堅定的祈使句讓人無法質問。我選了Bob Dylan的Highway 61 Revisied和Blood on the Tracks,拿到櫃臺結帳,送給了她。「通常我不會送戀愛中的人這兩張唱片,但這算是特例。」她甜甜地笑著收下了。
離開唱片行時天空下起了微微細雨,我撐著便利商店買來的便宜折疊傘,送她穿過夜晚的台大校園,回到辛亥路科技大樓附近的租屋處。在這間學校四年,那卻只是我第四次到辛亥路一帶,上一次就是畢業典禮當天,那個悶熱的早晨我腦中不斷播放著The Beatles的I’ve Got a Feeling,畢業典禮結束後和家人到天母吃了越南菜。「轉眼間也已經是兩年前的事了呀,」一個人往回走時我這麼想。
**** **** **** ****
不久後我收到一封她寄來的明信片,昏暗破舊的廉價旅館伴著棕櫚樹,讓人想起The Eagles的Hotel California。「現在是凌晨五點,」st在明信片後面這麼寫,男人在樓下的賭場賭二十一點,在南方的城市裡,彷彿是Lou Reed的陰暗街頭融合了Johnny Cash的古柯鹼藍調,他以Nicholas Cage在Leaving Las Vegas的方式賭著,持續拋出手上的籌碼。「躺在床鋪的另一端,看著天空緩緩亮起,我突然好想家。」st在明信片的末尾寫道。
**** **** **** ****
隔一年的冬天,我遞出辭呈的那個夜晚,我站上st曾經待過的樓側面的那個陽台,望著底下的車水馬龍與那片荒地,按下play鍵,靜靜聽著沈沒於南方密西西比河的Jeff Buckley唱出這首詭異、不知所以、充滿宗教般純潔信仰卻混合著世俗肉慾的曲子,Hallelujah。
I heard there was a secret chord
That David played, and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do you?
It goes like this
The fourth, the fifth
The minor fall and the major lift
The baffled king composing Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Your faith was strong but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you
She tied you to her kitchen chair
She broke your throne and she cut your hair
And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Well baby I've been here before
I've seen this room and I've walked this floor
I used to live alone before I knew you
I've seen your flag on the marble arch
Love is not a victory march
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Well there was a time when you let me know
What's really going on below
But now you never show that to me do you?
And remember when I moved in you?
And the holy dove was moving too
And every breath we drew was Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Maybe there's a God above
But all I've ever learned from love
Was how to shoot somebody who'd out drew you
And it's not a cry that you hear at night
It's not somebody who's seen in the light
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
2010年1月29日 星期五
J.D. Salinger, 1919-2010
J. D. Salinger, Literary Recluse, Dies at 91
Published: January 28, 2010
J. D. Salinger, who was thought at one time to be the most important American writer to emerge since World War II but who then turned his back on success and adulation, becoming the Garbo of letters, famous for not wanting to be famous, died on Wednesday at his home in Cornish, N.H., where he had lived in seclusion for more than 50 years. He was 91.
Mr. Salinger’s literary representative, Harold Ober Associates, announced the death, saying it was of natural causes. “Despite having broken his hip in May,” the agency said, “his health had been excellent until a rather sudden decline after the new year. He was not in any pain before or at the time of his death.”
Mr. Salinger’s literary reputation rests on a slender but enormously influential body of published work: the novel “The Catcher in the Rye,” the collection “Nine Stories” and two compilations, each with two long stories about the fictional Glass family: “Franny and Zooey” and “Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction.”
“Catcher” was published in 1951, and its very first sentence, distantly echoing Mark Twain, struck a brash new note in American literature: “If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you’ll probably want to know is where I was born and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I don’t feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth.”
Though not everyone, teachers and librarians especially, was sure what to make of it, “Catcher” became an almost immediate best seller, and its narrator and main character, Holden Caulfield, a teenager newly expelled from prep school, became America’s best-known literary truant since Huckleberry Finn.
With its cynical, slangy vernacular voice (Holden’s two favorite expressions are “phony” and “goddam”), its sympathetic understanding of adolescence and its fierce if alienated sense of morality and distrust of the adult world, the novel struck a nerve in cold war America and quickly attained cult status, especially among the young. Reading “Catcher” used to be an essential rite of passage, almost as important as getting your learner’s permit.
The novel’s allure persists to this day, even if some of Holden’s preoccupations now seem a bit dated, and it continues to sell more than 250,000 copies a year in paperback. Mark David Chapman, who killed John Lennon in 1980, even said the explanation for his act could be found in the pages of “The Catcher in the Rye.” In 1974 Philip Roth wrote, “The response of college students to the work of J. D. Salinger indicates that he, more than anyone else, has not turned his back on the times but, instead, has managed to put his finger on whatever struggle of significance is going on today between self and culture.”
Many critics were more admiring of “Nine Stories,” which came out in 1953 and helped shape writers like Mr. Roth, John Updike and Harold Brodkey. The stories were remarkable for their sharp social observation, their pitch-perfect dialogue (Mr. Salinger, who used italics almost as a form of musical notation, was a master not of literary speech but of speech as people actually spoke it) and the way they demolished whatever was left of the traditional architecture of the short story — the old structure of beginning, middle, end — for an architecture of emotion, in which a story could turn on a tiny alteration of mood or irony. Mr. Updike said he admired “that open-ended Zen quality they have, the way they don’t snap shut.”
Mr. Salinger also perfected the great trick of literary irony — of validating what you mean by saying less than, or even the opposite of, what you intend. Orville Prescott wrote in The New York Times in 1963, “Rarely if ever in literary history has a handful of stories aroused so much discussion, controversy, praise, denunciation, mystification and interpretation.”
As a young man Mr. Salinger yearned ardently for just this kind of attention. He bragged in college about his literary talent and ambitions, and wrote swaggering letters to Whit Burnett, the editor of Story magazine. But success, once it arrived, paled quickly for him. He told the editors of Saturday Review that he was “good and sick” of seeing his photograph on the dust jacket of “The Catcher in the Rye” and demanded that it be removed from subsequent editions. He ordered his agent to burn any fan mail. In 1953 Mr. Salinger, who had been living on East 57th Street in Manhattan, fled the literary world altogether and moved to a 90-acre compound on a wooded hillside in Cornish. He seemed to be fulfilling Holden’s desire to build himself “a little cabin somewhere with the dough I made and live there for the rest of my life,” away from “any goddam stupid conversation with anybody.”
He seldom left, except occasionally to vacation in Florida or to visit William Shawn, the almost equally reclusive former editor of The New Yorker. Avoiding Mr. Shawn’s usual (and very public) table at the Algonquin Hotel, they would meet under the clock at the old Biltmore Hotel, the rendezvous for generations of prep-school and college students.
After Mr. Salinger moved to New Hampshire his publications slowed to a trickle and soon stopped completely. “Franny and Zooey” and “Raise High the Roof Beam,” both collections of material previously published in The New Yorker, came out in 1961 and 1963, and the last work of Mr. Salinger’s to appear in print was “Hapworth 16, 1924,” a 25,000-word story that took up most of the June 19, 1965, issue of The New Yorker.
In 1997 Mr. Salinger agreed to let Orchises Press, a small publisher in Alexandria, Va., bring out “Hapworth” in book form, but he backed out of the deal at the last minute. He never collected the rest of his stories or allowed any of them to be reprinted in textbooks or anthologies. One story, “Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut,” was turned into “My Foolish Heart,” a movie so bad that Mr. Salinger was never tempted to sell film rights again.
Befriended, Then Betrayed
In the fall of 1953 he befriended some local teenagers and allowed one of them to interview him for what he assumed would be an article on the high school page of a local paper, The Claremont Daily Eagle. The article appeared instead as a feature on the editorial page, and Mr. Salinger felt so betrayed that he broke off with the teenagers and built a six-and-a-half-foot fence around his property.
He seldom spoke to the press again, except in 1974 when, trying to fend off the unauthorized publication of his uncollected stories, he told a reporter from The Times: “There is a marvelous peace in not publishing. It’s peaceful. Still. Publishing is a terrible invasion of my privacy. I like to write. I love to write. But I write just for myself and my own pleasure.”
And yet the more he sought privacy, the more famous he became, especially after his appearance on the cover of Time in 1961. For years it was a sort of journalistic sport for newspapers and magazines to send reporters to New Hampshire in hopes of a sighting. As a young man Mr. Salinger had a long, melancholy face and deep soulful eyes, but now, in the few photographs that surfaced, he looked gaunt and gray, like someone in an El Greco painting. He spent more time and energy avoiding the world, it was sometimes said, than most people do in embracing it, and his elusiveness only added to the mythology growing up around him.
Depending on one’s point of view, he was either a crackpot or the American Tolstoy, who had turned silence itself into his most eloquent work of art. Some believed he was publishing under an assumed name, and for a while in the late 1970s, William Wharton, author of “Birdy,” was rumored to be Mr. Salinger, writing under another name, until it turned out that William Wharton was instead a pen name for the writer Albert du Aime.
In 1984 the British literary critic Ian Hamilton approached Mr. Salinger with the notion of writing his biography. Not surprisingly, Mr. Salinger turned him down, saying he had “borne all the exploitation and loss of privacy I can possibly bear in a single lifetime.” Mr. Hamilton went ahead anyway, and in 1986, Mr. Salinger took him to court to prevent the use of quotations and paraphrases from unpublished letters. The case went all the way to the Supreme Court, and to the surprise of many, Mr. Salinger eventually won, though not without some cost to his cherished privacy. (In June 2009 he also sued Fredrik Colting, the Swedish author and publisher of a novel said to be a sequel to “The Catcher in the Rye.” In July a federal judge indefinitely enjoined publication of the book.)
Mr. Salinger’s privacy was further punctured in 1998 and again in 2000 with the publication of memoirs by, first, Joyce Maynard — with whom he had a 10-month affair in 1973, when Ms. Maynard was a college freshman — and then his daughter, Margaret. Some critics complained that both women were trying to exploit and profit from their history with Mr. Salinger, and Mr. Salinger’s son, Matthew, wrote in a letter to The New York Observer that his sister had “a troubled mind,” and that he didn’t recognize the man portrayed in her account. Both books nevertheless added a creepy, Howard Hughesish element to the Salinger legend.
Mr. Salinger was controlling and sexually manipulative, Ms. Maynard wrote, and a health nut obsessed with homeopathic medicine and with his diet (frozen peas for breakfast, undercooked lamb burger for dinner). Ms. Salinger said that her father was pathologically self-centered and abusive toward her mother, and to the homeopathy and food fads she added a long list of other enthusiasms: Zen Buddhism, Vedanta Hinduism, Christian Science, Scientology and acupuncture. Mr. Salinger drank his own urine, she wrote, and sat for hours in an orgone box.
But was he writing? The question obsessed Salingerologists, and in the absence of real evidence, theories multiplied. He hadn’t written a word for years. Or, like the character in the Stanley Kubrick film “The Shining,” he wrote the same sentence over and over again. Or like Gogol at the end of his life, he wrote prolifically but then burned it all. Ms. Maynard said she believed there were at least two novels locked away in a safe, though she had never seen them.
Early Life
Jerome David Salinger was born in Manhattan on New Year’s Day, 1919, the second of two children. His sister, Doris, who died in 2001, was for many years a buyer in the dress department at Bloomingdale’s. Like the Glasses, the Salinger children were the product of a mixed marriage. Their father, Sol, was a Jew, the son of a rabbi, but sufficiently assimilated that he made his living importing both cheese and ham. Their mother, Marie Jillisch, was of Irish descent, born in Scotland, but changed her first name to Miriam to appease her in-laws. The family was living in Harlem when Mr. Salinger was born, but then, as Sol Salinger’s business prospered, moved to West 82nd Street and then to Park Avenue.
Never much of a student, Mr. Salinger, then known as Sonny, attended the progressive McBurney School on the Upper West Side. (He told the admissions office his interests were dramatics and tropical fish.) But he flunked out after two years and in 1934 was packed off to Valley Forge Military Academy, in Wayne, Pa., which became the model for Holden’s Pencey Prep. Like Holden, Mr. Salinger was the manager of the school fencing team, and he also became the literary editor of the school yearbook, Crossed Swords, and wrote a school song that was either a heartfelt pastiche of 19th-century sentiment or else a masterpiece of irony:
Hide not thy tears on this last day
Your sorrow has no shame;
To march no more midst lines of gray;
No longer play the game.
Four years have passed in joyful ways — Wouldst stay those old times dear?
Then cherish now these fleeting days,
The few while you are here.
In 1937, after a couple of unenthusiastic weeks at New York University, Mr. Salinger traveled with his father to Austria and Poland, where the father’s plan was for him to learn the ham business. Deciding that wasn’t for him, he returned to America and drifted through a term or so at Ursinus College in Collegeville, Pa. Fellow students remember him striding around campus in a black chesterfield with velvet collar and announcing that he was going to write the Great American Novel.
Mr. Salinger’s most sustained exposure to higher education was an evening class he took at Columbia in 1939, taught by Whit Burnett, and under Mr. Burnett’s tutelage he managed to sell a story, “The Young Folks,” to Story magazine. He subsequently sold stories to Esquire, Collier’s and The Saturday Evening Post — formulaic work that gave little hint of real originality.
In 1941, after several rejections, Mr. Salinger finally cracked The New Yorker, the ultimate goal of any aspiring writer back then, with a story, “Slight Rebellion Off Madison,” that was an early sketch of what became a scene in “The Catcher in the Rye.” But the magazine then had second thoughts, apparently worried about seeming to encourage young people to run away from school, and held the story for five years — an eternity even for The New Yorker — before finally publishing it in 1946, buried in the back of an issue.
Meanwhile Mr. Salinger had been drafted. He served with the Counter-Intelligence Corps of the Fourth Infantry Division, whose job was to interview Nazi deserters and sympathizers, and was stationed for a while in Tiverton, Devon, the setting of “For Esmé — with Love and Squalor,” probably the most deeply felt of the “Nine Stories.” On June 6, 1944, he landed at Utah Beach, and he later saw action during the Battle of the Bulge.
In 1945 he was hospitalized for “battle fatigue” — often a euphemism for a breakdown — and after recovering he stayed on in Europe past the end of the war, chasing Nazi functionaries. He married a German woman, very briefly — a doctor about whom biographers have been able to discover very little. Her name was Sylvia, Margaret Salinger said, but Mr. Salinger always called her Saliva.
A Different Kind of Writer
Back in New York, Mr. Salinger moved into his parents’ apartment and, having never stopped writing, even during the war, resumed his career. “A Perfect Day for Bananafish,” austere, mysterious and Mr. Salinger’s most famous and still most discussed story, appeared in The New Yorker in 1948 and suggested, not wrongly, that he had become a very different kind of writer. And like so many writers he eventually found in The New Yorker not just an outlet but a kind of home and developed a close relationship with the magazine’s editor, William Shawn, himself famously shy and agoraphobic — a kindred spirit. In 1961 Mr. Salinger dedicated “Franny and Zooey” to Shawn, writing, “I urge my editor, mentor and (heaven help him) closest friend, William Shawn, genius domus of The New Yorker, lover of the long shot, protector of the unprolific, defender of the hopelessly flamboyant, most unreasonably modest of born great artist-editors, to accept this pretty skimpy-looking book.”
As a young writer Mr. Salinger was something of a ladies’ man and dated, among others, Oona O’Neill, the daughter of Eugene O’Neill and the future wife of Charlie Chaplin. In 1953 he met Claire Douglas, the daughter of the British art critic Robert Langdon Douglas, who was then a 19-year-old Radcliffe sophomore who in many ways resembled Franny Glass (or vice versa); they were married two years later. (Ms. Douglas had married and divorced in the meantime.) Margaret was born in 1955, and Matthew, now an actor and film producer, was born in 1960. But the marriage soon turned distant and isolating, and in 1966, Ms. Douglas sued for divorce, claiming that “a continuation of the marriage would seriously injure her health and endanger her reason.”
The affair with Ms. Maynard, then a Yale freshman, began in 1972, after Mr. Salinger read an article she had written for The New York Times Magazine titled “An 18-Year-Old Looks Back on Life.” They moved in together but broke up abruptly after 10 months when Mr. Salinger said he had no desire for more children. For a while in the ’80s Mr. Salinger was involved with the actress Elaine Joyce, and late in that decade he married Colleen O’Neill, a nurse, who is considerably younger than he is. Not much is known about the marriage because Ms. O’Neill embraced her husband’s code of seclusion.
Besides his son, Matthew, Mr. Salinger is survived by Ms. O’Neill and his daughter, Margaret, as well as three grandsons. His literary agents said in a statement that “in keeping with his lifelong, uncompromising desire to protect and defend his privacy, there will be no service, and the family asks that people’s respect for him, his work and his privacy be extended to them, individually and collectively, during this time.”
“Salinger had remarked that he was in this world but not of it,” the statement said. “His body is gone but the family hopes that he is still with those he loves, whether they are religious or historical figures, personal friends or fictional characters.”
As for the fictional family the Glasses, Mr. Salinger had apparently been writing about them nonstop. Ms. Maynard said she saw shelves of notebooks devoted to the family. In Mr. Salinger’s fiction the Glasses first turn up in “A Perfect Day for Bananafish,” in which Seymour, the oldest son and family favorite, kills himself during his honeymoon. Characters who turn out in retrospect to have been Glasses appear glancingly in “Nine Stories,” but the family saga really begins to be elaborated upon in “Franny and Zooey,” “Raise High the Roof Beam” and “Hapworth,” the long short story, which is ostensibly a letter written by Seymour from camp when he is just 7 years old but already reading several languages and lusting after Mrs. Happy, wife of the camp owner.
Readers also began to learn about the parents, Les and Bessie, long-suffering ex-vaudevillians, and Seymour’s siblings Franny, Zooey, Buddy, Walt, Waker and Boo Boo; about the Glasses’ Upper West Side apartment; about the radio quiz show on which all the children appeared. Seldom has a fictional family been so lovingly or richly imagined.
Too lovingly, some critics complained. With the publication of “Franny and Zooey” even staunch Salinger admirers began to break ranks. John Updike wrote in The Times Book Review: “Salinger loves the Glasses more than God loves them. He loves them too exclusively. Their invention has become a hermitage for him. He loves them to the detriment of artistic moderation.” Other readers hated the growing streak of Eastern mysticism in the saga, as Seymour evolved, in successive retellings, from a suicidal young man into a genius, a sage, even a saint of sorts.
But writing in The New York Review of Books in 2001, Janet Malcolm argued that the critics had all along been wrong about Mr. Salinger, just as short-sighted contemporaries were wrong about Manet and about Tolstoy. The very things people complain about, Ms. Malcolm contended, were the qualities that made Mr. Salinger great. That the Glasses (and, by implication, their creator) were not at home in the world was the whole point, Ms. Malcolm wrote, and it said as much about the world as about the kind of people who failed to get along there.
2010年1月11日 星期一
張懸 / 並不
2010年1月4日 星期一
「啊,Neil Young。他是我的好朋友。」Wally指著我T恤上的圖案說。我當這是一種特殊的荷式幽默,僅笑笑沒多什麼。Wally接著和Rob小聊了一陣,便告辭回去,臨走時我注意到他向Rob伸手,Rob塞了點錢給他。
我向Rob問起了這位老先生。「他的名字是Wally Tax,W要當作V發音,」Rob細心的解釋,這是我繼“dank”以後的第二堂荷語課。他接著跟我說Wally是荷蘭六0年代當紅的搖滾樂隊The Outsiders的主唱,可以說是當時荷蘭的披頭,彼時他一出門就被瘋狂的歌迷團團圍住,需要雇用數名保鏢幫他開道。之後Wally轉往美國發展,還拿了一座葛萊美獎。但後來日益嚴重的毒癮、酒癮與稅務問題使他一蹶不振。
「所以啦,他說他和Neil Young是朋友,這還挺有可能的。」
現在的Wally住在薑子姐和Rob家旁,Rob偶爾會買點東西帶給行動不太方便的他,Wally偶爾向他們討些小錢,手頭也不寬裕的他們卻不太拒絕,更不時請他喝啤酒或是抽根菸,這也解釋了為什麼不抽煙的他們家裡卻有菸灰缸以及滿滿的菸屁股。即便現在,Rob說,還是有許多歌迷從美國、亞洲等地專程前來,就為了見Wally。據說Kurt Cobain也是他的歌迷,還曾經表演過他的作品。驚愕之餘,我更因為沒有把握機會和這樣的搖滾傳奇人物多有接觸而感到扼腕,Rob塞給我一瓶啤酒,安慰我說反正Wally常來,接下來幾天一定有機會再見到他的。
當天晚上Rob從他的CD堆中翻出了一片Wally的個人作品“The Entertainer”,02年的作品,然而封面上的他看起來要比當晚的他年輕得多,而那詭譎的表情讓我想起Iggy Pop。我將那張專輯放進我的CD Player,在黑暗中躺在沙發床上靜靜地聽著Wally以帶著蒼涼和創痛的嗓音唱著:
I am an entertainer
Shit, I'm funny....
隔天上午我沿著運河走到某間唱片行,老闆娘是個頭髮花白的婦女,我問她知不知道Wally,「當然知道呀,The Outsider在我們那個年代可紅的呢。Wally Tax是主唱,瘦小的傢伙,」她比畫了Wally的高度,然後戴上老花眼鏡,從一大落CD中翻出幾張The Outsiders的唱片,「Wally雖然瘦小,但可是號麻煩人物呢,典型的搖滾壞男孩。」
**** **** **** ****
阿姆斯特丹是我03年三城之旅的第一站。免費的住宿和合法的大麻是吸引我來到此地的主要原因,然而前幾天我只享受到前者,包含薑子姐和Rob的真誠款待。早餐Rob都會多幫我擠一杯新鮮的柳橙汁,然後放上Rufus Wainwright的Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk:
Cigarettes and chocolate milk
These are just a couple of my cravings
Everything it seems I like is a little bit stronger,
a little bit thicker, a little bit harmful for me……
睡眼惺忪的薑子姐就在廚房的流理台簡單梳洗,紮個馬尾出門。相當真實又帶著單純的美好的晨間光景。而這首Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk一直到現在都是我最喜愛的Rufus Wainwright的曲子,很長一段時間我也用這首歌當作起床號。
我們聊起搖滾樂。他講起那些神明般的人物,就像許久不見的老同事:Neil Young是個很棒的人,有個愛他且支持他的美滿家庭,只是這些年他的頸椎病變越來越嚴重;Jimi Hendrix曾經和他一起Jam過,是個很不錯的傢伙,就是喝太多酒、用太多藥、睡太多女人了;他為Eric Clapton不幸痛失愛子感到無比的同情,這麼好的人不應該有這樣的遭遇;The Rolling Stones?這幫傢伙可是老朋友啦,當年他們可是一起表演、也一起廝混過,「前幾天Mick才和我聯絡呢。」我說我前陣子才在倫敦看了他們的演唱會,覺得Mick Jagger聲音的狀況不太好,「他們發聲都錯誤了,」Wally和我分析怎樣才是正確的歌唱技巧:不應該用喉嚨去唱,而要善用丹田的力量,「像Mick那樣唱法,加上大量的菸、酒和藥物,嗓子不壞才怪。」
「那Bob Dylan呢?你認識他吧?」我興奮地問。
又喝了幾瓶啤酒後Wally才回去。他說他那邊有一些和Kurt Cobain合作的錄音,他回去翻一翻,再請Rob寄給我。他和我握手道別,祝我後續的旅程一路順風,然後一跛一跛地消失在門口。
**** **** **** ****
“It’s better to burn out than to fade away.”對搖滾樂手來說,死亡彷彿是一種華麗的謝幕。於是有了神秘的符碼如27、od、.38、12/8、DOA,以及如密西西比河、巴黎蒙帕那斯公墓、紐約中央公園等朝聖的地點。樂迷們熟記並感嘆、讚美許許多多年輕即燃燒殆盡的生命。
然而我目睹了一個fade away的老靈魂。我從來也沒有機會查證Wally所說的一切,我無法得知究竟他和那些搖滾神祉是否相熟,更沒有收到那些他宣稱和Kurt Cobain合作的錄音,我沒有他的簽名,我們也沒有合照;而我能給予他的,也就是當時牛仔褲右邊口袋的一把零錢、短暫的聆聽與崇拜。
I live my life for the stars that shine
People say it's just a waste of time
When they said I should feed my head
That to me was just a day in bed
I'll take my car and drive real far
They're not concerned about the way we are
In my mind my dreams are real
Now you concerned about the way I feel
Tonight, I'm a rock n roll star!